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Friday, May 29, 2009
A miracle of healing from Jesus

Today my little brother was sick. He had a rather high fever. I was very worried for him because he is still so young and now there are also H1N1 cases in Singapore. My little brother looked so weak and tired. His highest temperature record for the day was 39.7 degrees celsius...which is almost 40 degrees celsius. Most enzymes in the body could have began to denature at this high temperature. When I touched his face, he was freakingly warm. His normal active self was gone. He didn't even feel like moving at all.

So I prayed for him. I prayed to Jesus, the greatest Healer of all, to heal my little brother. Jesus raised quite a few people from death when He was walking on this earth. I trust in Him that He will heal my little brother, because I believe that Jesus loves us. Jesus loves everyone, including non-believers. He died for ALL the people, not just the people who believe in Him, because He is gracious. And for that, I really thank Him.

At first, the decrease in temperature was slow. From 39.7 degrees celsius decreased to 38.8 degress celsius. But he became quite active again and his appetite was surprisingly good=) He ate 3 slices of bread and drank a small glass of barley water.

In the evening, his fever completely subsided. He was running aroung and screaming in the house=) Usually I find that damn irritating, but today, I love the way he ran around and screamed in the house. He was back to his mischievous and hyperactive self =) This is really a miracle from Lord Jesus =) Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! I will tell my little brother about how You healed him when he is old enough to understand, and he shall be grateful to You =) Amen!!

8:32 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Structure Of Cell Membrane

1:44 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Enzymes ||| (Mode of Enzyme Action:Substrate Specificity)

-Can be explained by induced fit hypothesis

-Enzymes have flexible active sites that is not complementary to substrates at ground level.

-Initial binding of substrates initiates interactions of functional grps between enzyme and substrate.

-Mutual interactions causes shape of enzyme active site to change.

-Enzyme changes from ground state to transition state.

-Catalytic residues properly aligned at the active site of enzyme molecules.

-Non-substrate cannot initiate same interactions, cannot catalyse. Hence this shows that enzymes are specific in their actions.

-Enzymes in transition state is complementary to substrate molecules.

-Different substrate can be catalyses by same enzyme, but not in the same activated forms.

-Binding of substrate to enzyme in correct orientation and effective collisions, form E-S complex, decreases activation energy of reaction.

-Rate of formation of E-S complexes depends on frequency of effective collisions between enzyme and substrates.

9:48 PM

1)Bringing reactiong molecules into close proximity and correct oreintation

-Dun need so cheem..bring functional grps of substrates together can liao...

-Functional grps of substrate have to be in close proximity for reaction to occur

-Enzymes help to bind subtrates at active sites to ensure that the functional grps are placed at favourable positions

-Reaction can only occur when there is collision/close proximity of substrate molecules

-Higher substrate concentration, more frequent effective collisions between enzyme and substrates, faster reaction rates.

2)Stabilising transition state (enzyme-substrate complexes)

-Many reactions require formation of charged transition states(TS)

-No stabilizing agent,unstable TS goes back to reactant states

-Active site of enzymes act as flexible molecular template to allow substract to interact with a configuration resembling to the activated TS of molecule

-Catalytic residues have functional grps to enhance probability for transition state forms (R grps of catalytic residues can donate/accept electrons to stabilize substrates in the charged transition state to allow bond formation)

-Increases concentration of enzyme-substrate complexes, concentration of products increases.

3)Destabilise substrate

-Substrate is chemically and energetically stable on its own, chem reactions may not occur readily , formation of product is low.

-Enzymes bind to substrate, physically stress substrate to take on a more unstable configuration (Decrease bond angle, increase repulsion)

-Bonds in reactant molecules may break due to physical stress, strained substrate form transition state, can be stabilized by enzyme to allow product formation.

9:09 PM

Haha=) I felt so blessed!! My best friends made an effort to take time to celebrate my birhtday with me yesterday, which is a school holiday =) Athough it's only a movie and dinner at KFC, but I already felt very happy and satisfied=) Thank you my dears!! Love ya all =D Yanping ar..dun need part 2 liao hor... And I really wanna thank those friends that took the effort to wish me a happy birthday at 12 midnight..haha.. =) At around 12am this morn my phone keep vibrating and vibrating like an OSIM product. Thank you people=) Love you!!

Today I using my blog to study Biology,because I don't wanna waste space in my computer by saving them as documents. And since I always never update my blog due to homework, so now, I shall post something in my blog due to homework =) So these few days, please don't come my blog and read.

Structure of Enzymes
-Globular due to folding of linear polypeptides to secondary structure (alpha-helix and beta-plated sheets) to tertiary structure(further folding of secondary structure) and sometimes to quartenary structure is more than 1 polypetide chain in the enzyme.
-Clefts complementary to substrates present(Active sites) These clefts contain catalytic and contact residues.
-Catalytic residues to catalyse reaction (duh...) by breaking or forming bonds in substrates.
-Contact residue to hold substrate to enzyme molecule by forming bonds with substrate to hold it in place for catalysis.
-Structural residues interact to maintain globular structure of enzyme molecule.
Properties of enzymes
-Highly specific in action due to specific contact and catalytic residues in active sites
-Effective in minute amounts as enzymes do not undergo any chem reaction and remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.
-Extremely effective with a high turnover number.
-Rate of enzymatic reaction affected by
3)Substrate concentration
4)Enzyme concentration
-May require coenzymes/cofactors to function.
1)Cofactor=Inorganic ion or atom that helps enzymes carry out catalytic activities. May bind temporarily and loosely to substrate molecules but permanently and tightly to enzyme molecules.
2)Coenzyme=Organic molecules that have the same function as cofactor. Synthesised from vitamins.
Induced fit hypothesis
1)Substrates enter active site.
Enzyme changes shape such that its active site enfolds the substrates.
2)Substrates held in active site by weak hydrogen/ionic bonds
3)Active site lower activation energy and speed up rate of reaction by:
-Acting as template for substrate orientation
-Stessing substrate
-Stabilizing transition state
-Providing favourable microenvironment
-Participating directly in catalytic reaction
4)Substrates converted to products.
5)Products released from enzyme.
6)Active site of enzyme available for another substrate molecule.

8:18 PM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)