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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today my Geography teacher wants the each person in a class to bring a rock to school., because currently we are studying about rocks=) This is my favourite topic in Geography 'cause it's pretty easy and has no case studies=) Anyway...this is my rock=) I "borrowed" it from the library in school when the librarian turned her back=P Sneaky thief...but I did put the rock back hor.. Thank God no one caught me..haha

See the size of my rock!! Big rite?? But I cannot identify what type of rock this is 'cause it had been artificially modified=(

This is Stephanie's rock=) She took it from her hostel...hmmm..I made it sound as if all Geog students are rock-thieves... Anyway,her rock is chalk..but she thought it was a chert.

This is Serene's rock=) Small and cute isn't it?? She took it from outside the library=P This is a granite rock=)

This is not an alien..just 3 rocks stacked together...haha..These rocks are from Xaven. She took it somewhere outside. I think these are granite too=)

Rock-Stacko up close

This rock is from Lan=) I forgot to ask her what type of rock this is..

This is a rock sample shown to us by the teacher,but the hand is totally mine=) This is an obsidian. It is supposed to be glassy,but from my picture it seemed mossy=(

Haha..this is one of the activities we did in Geog class just now=) The red one on the top corner is a scoria,the long black one is the obsidian and the one below it is a rhyolite. Beside rhyolite is an andesite and beside the andesite is a basalt. The one below rhyolite is a rhyolite porphyry=) But this may not be correct as the teacher did not tell us the actual answer,so this is just according to my group's "feelings"...

Obsidian,Stephanie and Domo=)

Stephanie ,Domo and obsidian...

Rock promoter..Xaven!!

Domo (Stephanie's object of obsession)

Xaven eating scoria..or going to eat it...

9:07 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Friday Service (Like damn long ago..)

On 10 April, I went to the Good Friday service in Heart of God church=) I really learnt a lot. Now I understand why some non-Christians don't like Christians and also what Christians should do about this.

Many non-believers think that we Christians are out of touch with the reality,hypocitical and judgemental.

Why out of touch?? Haha...that one I forgot...but if I'm not wrong, non-believers think that we are too unreal. Our lives seemed too perfect to non-believers. Not because our lives are really perfectly perfect, but because we often pretend that with God, our lives are perfect, to a certain extend that we make non-believers feel too imperfect, feel too lacking. Sometimes some believers wanted to show the non-believers how perfect our lives are, maybe a desperate attempt to encourage non-believers to come to church or just showing off. I'm not afraid to say so, because no one is perfect. There are flaws here and there in our character. So I'm not afraid to say that some Christians like to show off and there is no point hiding it either, 'cause that'll make me look like some hypocrite.

Why hypocritical?? Like what I said in the previous sentence...hiding the truth. No one is 100% perfect except for Jesus Christ. So we don't have to act perfect and cover our flaws. We just have to be ourselves and let the Holy Spirit lead us. When we do this, people will be attracted. By trying to be perfect is similar to hiding our true selves and that is what makes someone hypocritical.

God made us as we are. We don't have to hide our flaws, but we can change it with the help of the Holy Spirit within us to improve ourselves. Isn't it that better?? Pretending is tiring, but if we put the effort used for pretending to be perfect to change our sinful ways, our Holy Spirit will help us to be fruitful=)

Why judgemental?? Believers know that we all are holy because Jesus Christ's blood washed away our sins. But even if we are holy, we sometimes still sin. So we Christians are like non-believers,only that our sins are forgiven by God. Some Christians often overlook this and began to think that we have the right to criticise,condemn or judge non-believers. This is not right. We may be holy, but this still gives us no right to judge anyone. Only God has the right to. But yet He does not. So all the more we shouldn't judge anyone under any circumstances. It's difficult sometimes,even for me. I like to gossip leh...and gossip is a very despicable way to criticise someone. I want to change too. So I believe, in the name of Jesus Christ that one day I shall gossip no more, amen.

All in all, some non-believers think that Christians are unrealistic,hypocrites and judgemental, and that we are more conscious in being right than being righteous. It's okay to be wrong, but we should learn from our own mistakes and ask God for help so we won't commit the mistake more times than necessary. We should not judge anyone, because Jesus does not either. So instead of learning how to be a Christian, why not learn from Jesus Christ??

Don't be a Christian, but be Christ-like=)

Note: If you think I have any of those flaws above, please do tell me, so that I can change=)

Arrow Service in New Creation Church (18 April 2009)
This service is about God's belssings for us=) It had been a not-so-good week for me, and I was glad that I went to this service, which reminded me how much God loves me and everything will be okay.
God's blessings are supernatural, it is not what logic can comprehend. So when we are looking at the natural circumstances, we are not believing that God will bless us. For example, when we get straight Es for tests, we'd think that we'd get the same results for major exams as well. This is looking at the natural. But if we put in some hard work and ask God for help and believe that you'd get better results, we are not looking at the natural anymore. When God is in us and we are in God, we shall also have the nature and the abilities of God. Christ is intelligent and wise, so we shall be too.
God does not want us to see the natural, He wants us to look at the supernatural and believe it. So we should start visualising what God has promised us, because when we do that, we are believing it, and God shall bless us. Hallelujah!! God also wants us to let go of our past, our emotion baggages and our scars,be it mentally or physically. No point looking back. God does not mind our past. He forgives our past sins and all. So we should not let these things prevent us from experiencing the blessings of God. I believe the most people have a past that is hard to let go of. I have too...but with the help of Christ, I shall let it go so it will not affect my future. During the service God promised me something. Although the message was preached to many many people,but I believe that God was emphasizing it to me specially,to help me move on. That's so sweet isn't it=) Praise the Lord=)
God is not afraid to bless us and make our name great,because when that happens, we'll make His name great too and give Him glory=) God's blessings bring no sorrow. If He gives,then He will maintain.
Believers are blessed because Jesus is good. Our blessings are unmerited and undeserved. We do not have to do anything for our blessings but to believe and stay in faith. When we are blessed, our family and friends will also be blessed=) Isn't God kind and loving?? He blesses non-believers as well. What a wonderful God we have=)
First Day Of The Week=Many Injuries
I DIDN'T FAIL MY MATHS!! HALLELUJAH!! I really thought I will fail, 'cause there are mistakes here and there. But yet I didn't. Really really thank God. Althought the grades are lousy, at least I didn't fail...so heng leh...THANK YOU JESUS!!
PW really made my previous 2 weeks like hell. So I didn't really feel like blogging. And anyway I was too busy. Now,after SYF...I'm more free...but to a certain extend only.
These few days the weather is like damn hot...so I'm not in a very nice mood either. And I had to run 2.4km under hot sun. KM hor...not M. Before running, there's also a bit of training for the 5 stations. And guess what..I scraped my fourth finger during shuttle run again T.T Pain~
Then I got a big blister on each foot after running due to poor shoes management. I really had no idea that we have to run-.- And my timing ar...KNS...because 2 weeks never run liao..haha...
That's not all leh...I also somehow sprained my thumb. One P.E lesson only then I become like so broken. Pathetic hor?? But at least never die la..that's something to thank God for=)

8:34 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009


9:02 PM

I had an interview in NTU today for a research programme,then I thought it's NUS...and I told my teachers that I am going to NUS for the interview...later they will think that I'm lying. I really thought NUS is at Boon Lay-.-

So halfway through Geography lecture,I went off...the lecturer said byebye to me...then everyone looked at me...so paiseh..

NTU is damn far from Woodlands. I had to walk to Causeway Point,take train to Jurong East Interchange,then change train to Boon Lay,then take bus from Boon Lay bus interchange,then finally walk to my interviewer's office. I took like more than an hour. But thank God that I got there in time=)

When I reached the interviewer's office,she wasn't in!! I sort of panicked..because when I saw her time-table ,which was pasted outside her office, she'll only be back at 4 pm. I freaked out. That means I have to wait for hours.

So I sat on a red soft sofa and pray that the interviewer will come soon. If not, I will miss my Bio practical lesson and have to do a make-up lesson. That's very time wasting. After I prayed.. I took out Hello Panda (Vanilla flavour) from my bag and ate it 'cause that's my lunch. Then suddenly the interviewer come back liao..haha..Thank God!! See..God is so nice de...help me save my time=) Hallelujah..

I cannot say that the interview went smoothly though=(

The project I've chosen to do is constructing mutants of a protein cage. Cheem...

It's all about interactions of subunits in a protein cage. This protein cage refers to a protein with a structure that look like a soccer ball,only that it has lots of big holes on it's surface. It's core is also hollow. Then we have to find out how the subunits interact with each other by changinf pH of medium or whatsoever. Then this is somehow linked to the plasmid (Circular DNA) of E coli bacteria.Then we must alter the genes in the plasmid using these subunits interactions thing to form mutants. Hmm...I think some parts I may be wrong...

Basically, we are going to create a mutant of E coli in the lab=) Fun isn't it??

12:09 AM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Horrible horrible day

I hate this week. This week so many bad things happen.The devil is bullying me. If this continues,I will be bullied to death. I don't think you'd want to read on. This is just a record of my bad days. So if you want to feel happy,please don't read on.

Firstly,on Monday,I got extremely lousy grades for a Maths test due to careless mistakes. Then I ended up wondering why can't I also carelessly cease to exist. Then I don't have to slog my guts out here in this world. Then I also had a very boring P.E lesson with the lousiest P.E teacher. He teach so damn slow!! The whole class only managed to do the relay once together. I DON'T GET IT!! There are so many P.E teachers in my school and my class had to be under the oldest,the shortest, and the slowest one. I'd rather not have P.E at all. Then after P.E got Chemistry test. Of course people like me have careless mistakes again. And I alsmost finished the paper when the teacher said stop writing. What a horrible horible day.

Then yestarday, my life didn't get any better. There was a Geography surprise quiz. But thank God that I didn't fail. Then after the last lesson I had dance until 8pm. So damn late. Then we got our costume back. The instructor said the dresses were too plain and she wanted the tailor to add some flowers. But in the end the addition looked more like seaweed.And I didn't know got full-dress rehersal,so I didn't bring my ballet shoes.What a perfectly horrible way to end my day in school.

Then today,early in the morning,I found out that I am only a reserve for relay. What a joke. I had this really huge desire to curse the person who put me as reserve. But I don't want to be like the devil. I am still the child of God. And now it's like early in the morning only...then got such a bad news. I'm not surprise if something worse will happen later. Where did Jesus go??

8:33 AM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)