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Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Future Decided Lyrics=)

You hold the future in Your hands
You know my dreams and You have a plan
And as You light my way,I'll follow You
My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all You've done
My mind's made up
And You are the only One for me
Jesus,Savior,in my life You are everything
My future decided,I will praise Your name
And I know that I am,I am Yours
Yeah,I know that I am,I am Yours
You hold the earth in Your command
You are the rock on which I stand
And as I live each day,I'll follow You
My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all You've done
My mind's made up
And You are the only one for me
Jesus,Savior,in my life You are everything
My future decided,I will praise Your name
And I know that I am,I am Yours
Yeah, I know that I am,I am Yours
Aren't afraid,aren't ashamed,Lord we know who we are
We are Your people and we won't be silent
Unified,hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You are our God and we will not be shaken!
Aren't afraid,aren't ashamed,Lord we know who we are
We are Your people and we won't be silent
Unified,hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You are our God and we will not be shaken!
Jesus,Savior,in my life You are everything
My future decided,I will praise Your name
And I know that I am,I am Yours
Yeah I know that I am,I am Yours

2:48 PM

Friday, March 27, 2009
Busy weekdays,busy weekends...=(

Haha...long time never blog liao...but I'm back!! I was so busy this week and I felt really tired. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion on Thursday...which was yesterday. But I didn't,obviously...So thank God...

Yesterday I was so tired that my eyes struggled to open during Biolody tutorial,which was in the evening. Of course at some point of time, I nodded off for a few seconds while writing down corrections. Then when I woke up, my corrections don't look like it's in English...it looked more like Arabic words. So I ended up pinching myself =( So demonic sia...

My Bio teacher is very nice to us. She let the whole class sleep for a while 'cause we all look half-dead. I LOVE HER!!Thank God I have such a nice Bio teacher!! Hallelujah!! But of course the small nap is not enough...I still felt drowsy in the lesson...and pinching had very little effect. So next time I will just try slapping myself awake instead. But that also look quite demonic=(

And weekends are finally coming!! YAY!! But tomorrow early in the morning still got Sports Heats-.- DAMN IT!! WHY ON A PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL SATURDAY!! Then I may be late for dance ministry in church also=( ARGH!!

Then after dance still need to teach tuition-.- Half of my day gone liao... GONE!!

I think I will look like a zombie very very soon=(

8:44 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Law of the Spirit of Life=)

Yesterday,me and Mindy went to church and we had a really awesome service=) The pastor talked about the Law of No Condemnation or the Law of the Spirit of Life. It really teaches me a lot and there is many many things I can apply to my life. Thank you Jesus,for teaching me and being patient with me=)

As believers,we should not let condemnation from the devil to come into our lives. Condemnation is always from the devil. People may condemn you,but it is not their fault. It is the devil who influences them to discourage you,to bring you down. Don't listen to the voice of condemnation. Listen to God. Lord Jesus died on the cross for us,for our sins because He loves us. So we don't have to suffer or be condemned for our sins anymore. Jesus had done that for us on the cross. Praise the Lord!!

Condemnation may not just come from sin. It can just come from anywhere,anytime and by anyone. For example, I participated in the SYF of modern dance, but I am like the background dancer,and I always felt that the dance instructor picks on me. This is also a form of condemnation. It is like the devil telling me that I cannot do it,I cannot dance well. But who is he to tell me that?? Why should I believe him or the people he influenced?? Who is he to judge?? Does he have any right to say that I'm a lousy dancer?? Of course not!! God has the last say and God will never condemn me or anyone like that!! Even God does not condemn me,so what right does the devil have to condemn me like that??

As Christ is,so am I. Jesus died for us all. So if we believe in Christ, God will see us perfect,as righteous and as holy as His Son. Lord Jesus is good in everything,because He is God the Son. So in God's eyes,I am good at everything too=) I don't have to listen to voices from the devil. It will never help me. Instead,it will lead to self-pity,depressiopn and in the end,self-destruct. The devil wants that,but I don't. Thank You,my Heavenly Father,for not condemning us,and teaching us that we don't have to take the devil's condemnation into our minds. Thank You so much Fahter=)

Sometimes when we sin,we will feel guilty. This is another form of condemnation. This happens when the devil influences our minds. This guilt, is us condemning ourselves. But in Christ,we will be forgiven,no matter how serious the sin is. A believer can never commit an unpardonable sin. God will never judge us nor condemn us. He will teach us and correct us. He corrects those that He loves, like a loving Father correcting his child. We don't have to struggle to be corrected. God's teaching will come to us supernaturally. True deliverence from Christ requires no effort or will-power from us. We just have to believe. The law of sin us in our flesh,the only way out is to believe in the law of the spirit of life=)

God has already made our lives so much simpler. Hallelujah!! No matter what is there outside, as long as we are in Christ,we are safe. In believers, the power of the Holy Spirit cannot flow when there is a sense of judgement. The judgement may be voices of condemnation from others,from yourself,but they all come indirectly or directly from the devil. Why listen to the devil?? He has no right to judge after all. The law of no condemnation is free for us all,but this comes from the expense of the God's only begotten Son,Jesus. This is so powerful. Why choose to believe in the devil's condemnation when God's love is so much greater??

6:32 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009
Science Centre For The Whole Day

Haha..today went Science Centre=) Actually I only signed up for the Chemistry Demonstration, but the Bio teacher volunteered those who signed up for the Chem thing to go to a Bio talk about brains...so I was there for like the whole day. And this morning...the Science Centre foyer got dinosaur. My guess is that it's either an albertosaurus or an allosaurus. And the people down there like panicking...no la...just trying to add some drama..

MOOOO....I dunno why the cow got picture on her body...

Impossible fork...

Impossible Elephant...not the actual title though,I came up with it myself=P

For this thing..you move yourself backwards and foward to see the wheel moving...please don't move your computer screen backwards and foward 'cause it's damn troublesome

Can you see 1 person ar 2 people??

Is the chessboard the base or the top??

Tornado...but here it looks like some random puff of smoke =(


I dunno why I took this picture...but since I took it,I'll just post it..

Shark out of water!! Run for your lives!!

If you look close enough you can see a BIG red squid=) Not optical illusion or anything...just that my picture not very clear..haha...

Blue lights...

Red and orange lights=)

My left hand...

My right hand...

I dunno what this is...it looks like a sting ray,but it's not. It looks like a pancake,but it's obviously not. So if you happen to know what this is...please do tag me=)

Beautiful coral reef created by my Heavenly Father=) Hallelujah!!

Different starfish...but dunno whether real or fake...

Can see the fish??

Adelene took this pic for mr during lunch time=) Thanks Adelene!! I look so damn short =(

I took this pic...waited damn long for the dinosaur to open its mouth.

Cute cuddly seahorse!!

Cute cuddly chameleon!!

So many eyeballs....

SMILE!! =)

Dino in a ball!!

Stegosaurus on Adelene's palm...thanks Adelene,for lending me a hand...

Adelene also lent me a shoulder..not to cry on...but to take picture of a cute lizard=) Thanks Adelene!!

I took this before going home. I'm really obsessed with this dinosaur...

Does this pic scare you?? It did scare me intially...

Last pic!! Byebye!!

10:14 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Street dance!!

Friday my school got the street dance module =) I was so damn enthusastic about it 'cause I finally got the chance to dance hip-hop=) After so many weeks of contemporary...so many weeks of suffering...finally got hip-hop!! WAHAHAHA!!

This dance module was actually for the sports cca people for their NYAA. (I taking silver this year,but dunno can make it or not) A lot of sports people attended that slot. I felt very extra there 'cause I not in sports cca...I like wasting their space there=P But I was thick-skinned when it comes to dancing,so I squeezed with all the people=P Anyway Manda,Nerissa and KL were there and they don't belong to sports cca also.

I learnt quite a bit of basics. Some I knew before,some I don't. So in the end I did learn something=D Hallelujah!!

After a short break, we all were supposed to do solos...then I was like 0.0!! I never do solo before...then some more the music is the instructor choose one...he just ask you whether you want fast or slow music-.-

When my turn comes,I was shaking nervously and my face was like X.X I got a lot of dance moves that I can use,but I donno whether I can do properly or not. And he tell us to just dance,don't think. So I danced Shasha's dance moves,the one that we did during Teachers' Day last year. After that the instructor said," Very good,that's the confidence I want." Then I was like -.- ...where got confidence??

Then only after sometime I realised that I really don't have confidence at all, but Jesus have confidence in me. So I can dance confindently(or look confident) is definately because of Jesus. Hallelujah!! Thank You,Lord Jesus!! =D With Christ,I can do all things=)

12:50 AM

Monday, March 9, 2009
Thank You so much, my Heavenly Daddy!!

So last Saturday I went for the youth service in my church, and I am very grateful to God for bringing me there. AND I SIGNED UP FOR THE DANCE MINISTRY!! I really hope I can get in=) Now I am going to tell you about the service last Saturday...

The service was really great. It makes me understand how Jesus loves us, how gracious,merciful and loving is God. It had been a tiring week for me, and I was pretty emo due to hmm...chemical reasons. Mood swings are very common these few days. But no matter how scary my mood swings are, I am very very happy to know that God still loves me and wants to help me in my problems.

Some people pray but they never get the things they wanted. They thought God didn't answer them. But God did. He just mean no, not that He ignored them. God will never ignore us. We are one with God because of Jesus Christ. As Jesus is,so are we. God loves Jesus, so God loves us too. God has given His best for us. So if He is not providing you with the things you want, He is protecting you. Sometimes we don't know what's the best for ourselves. But God knows everything. H ecan look into the future but we can't. So we should trust God and be patient.

Also,the only One who has the right to condemn us doesn't condemn us. He even gave His life for us.The voice of condemnation is never ffrom God. He is graceful,forgiving and merciful to us, so we should do our best to treat others like He did to us as well. When someone or the devil accuses you,discourage you, ignore it. Don't let these stupid remarks brings you down. As Jesus is,so are we. We are perfect in Christ, so if you feel insecure or inconfident, look towards Jesus, and in Him, you shall be confident. And you have the full authority to reject accusations and tell the devil to get lost. The devil is afraid of God, afraid of Jesus. So by right, the devil should be afraid of you too=)

If God is for us,who can be against us?=) (Romans 8:31) So the only way out of crisis that we come across in our lives is to believe that God is for us=) God cares for us and He will help us with any problems, no matter how trival it is. He loves us so much!!

Many people might say that I'm not pretty, I am this this this or I am that that that. But that's worldly remarks. I reject them in the name of Jesus Christ because in Him, I am perfect. I am not arrogant. Without Jesus, of course I am imperfect. But Jesus perfected me, and I am really really grateful=) Hallelujah!!

When we sin,we are missing the mark that God had set for us. But God forgives us, because the blood that Jesus shed at the cross washes us clean from every sin,every mistakes and every wrong thinkings that we have in our lives. This gift of grace is precious beyond words. Jesus became sin on the cross and died on the cross so we shall live. Hence, the cross speaks of Jesus's victory over sin. So we should rest in the finished work of Christ. We shall be forgiven by God and we shall repent. For those people who sin to get joy, the joy is only temporary. True,eternal joy comes from God, so we do not have to sin to find joy.

Isn't God just so wonderful?? We can live in peace now is all because of Jesus and His finished work. And I am very very grateful that I have such a wonderful God with me. He is not just a God, He is also my Friend, my Daddy, my Creator and my Savior. Hallelujah!!

And so I tried to act with faith. Although sometimes I am impatient, God still forgave me and helped me. Like las night, my computer became so lag that I can't do anything with it, and I really need the extra Biology notes Yunqin sent to me. So I prayed. And this morning, I realised that my prayer came true!! I am able to download the files smoothly=) Praise the Lord!! God answered my prayer=)

God's grace didn't just stopped there.Even now, my computer was still quite fast. It was very very slow the past few days that I cannot do anything at all. Hallelujah!! This can only be a miracle that God gave me and nothing else=)

See!! No matter how trival your problems are, God will still give you a helping hand. This is how loving,how wonderful and how gracious He is=)

8:16 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009


This week is really really busy. I had a biology test on Wednesday. The test was actually simpler than I expected it to be,but I think it was still far from A-level standard. I was so afraid that I cannot get A for biology that I go borrowed a really thick Biology reference book from the school library. That book is so damn wordy!! I WANT JESUS TO BE MY BIO TEACHER!!

Anyway this week is not only busy,but also very boring. But I just want to share a testimony before I go=)

I used to have a huge problem when I was running. After,or in some worse cases,during running, I am always in pain. It's not normal. This pain is worse than leg cramps. I rather get leg cramps. But now, when I asked Lord Jesus to heal me and I proclaimed that I am healed, I am really healed. Although I wasn't completely healed, but I could recover at a much faster rate now=) Isn't that amazing?!?! I've had this problem for like years and now it suddenly become so much better. Who's the BEST healer?? JESUS!! Hallelujah!!

I hope everyone will receive such a wonderful miracle like mine=) Put your trust in Jesus, and He will never let you down=)

11:15 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Back for a while only

Yoyo!! I long time never update liao...too busy. So...byebye!!

9:02 PM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)