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Saturday, February 28, 2009
I'm exhausted...

Finally,the weekends are here again. I was so so exhausted this week. There is so much homework,so much syf practice and just so much to do. I was surprised that I survived the week.

Anyway,yesterday I went to watch a dance performance. As usual,it was a contemporary dance performance. And I met Mindy and Huiyi in UCC!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Miss them so much!! Especially Mindy. It was a long time since the last time I saw her...which was like weeks ago and I got absolutely no time for social life,so I did not meet up with her all these weeks=(

That contemporary dance was very nice...but I don't know what it was about. So I sat in the concert hall looking very retarded. Quite wasted on me...such a nice dance and I dunno how to appreciate=( That's why I don't like contemp...so difficult to appreciate.

I am very very tired. I got flu. I am sleep-deprived. I have PMS. And I got lots and lots of stuff to do. I NEED LORD JESUS!!

8:59 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I REALLY REALLY HATE CONTEMPORARY DANCE. I hate watching it,and now I still have to dance it. Then why I join modern dance?? No choice lo...got no hip-hop. This is really stupid. Obviously people like to watch hip-hop more than contemporary dance,so why there's no hip-hop!?!? I'm really really pissed. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!


11:28 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Very tired...

This week is a very tiring and busy week. Although things got better after Monday had passed,but another Monday is going to come =( I HATE MONDAYS!!

I had quite a number of things to do today. I had to go out early in the morning to replace my lost ez-link card. Not that I insane or what,but I suspect that the devil stole my ez-link card,'cause my ez-link card wouldn't just pick itself up and run away. Anyway,I want to thank Siying for coming along with me=) Thank you Siying!! I hope you found what you have lost. In Jesus Christ name,Amen!!

The replacement process was quite short. The card only needed like a minute to print=) Hallelujah. Feel so blessed=) So if you lost your ez-link card,go Ang Mo Kio replace=) Don't go Choa Chu Kang...

Then after that I had to go to work. Not that I don't like work...but I was already very tired. I slept late and woke up early,so I wasn't in the mood to work. But today I got my salary anyway=) Praise the Lord!!

After work I went to New Creation Church=) Hallelujah!! Despite that I had many things to do,I still had time to go to church=) I can only thank Jesus for helping me to keep my weekends free so that I can go church to praise and worship Him and listen to His words=) Thank You Lord Jesus!! I wasn't exactly that free on weekends,but still,I was able to go church...how wonderful!!

Today's the pastor continued where he left off last 2 weeks. It's about our heart again,but this time,it is about the heart of worshipping God.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior,we were reborn. God gave new hearts to those who were reborn. These new hearts are the hearts that desire to worship God. When we worship God,we are filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit=) Through the Holy Spirit,we can feel God's love for us.

The blessings that God gives makes no sorrow. We cannot out-give God, so when we praise and worship God, He actually blesses us. When we worship God,we did not actually give anything to Him. So ultimately, He is still the One giving and we are still the ones who benefits.

Often,people think that we must fear God. But this is not true. Pastor Benjamin said that in the Holy Bible,although it was said 'the fear of God',it actually means the worship of God. God is love,so there should not be fear in love. Love can overcome fears.

Worship,like faith,does not come from the mind but the heart. Faith work by love,with a broken heart,faith cannot take root. When faith cannot take root in our hearts,we will not be able to worship God. So God wants to heal the brokeness in our hearts,for He loves us very much=)

When we worship God,we will be in His presence,we will come before Him, and we will magnify Him. When we do that,all our problems will seem to be very small. When we are around God,we'll enjoy HIs presence=) His presence is full of love. So when we have little or no confidence at all to do what we want,we can worship God. And God will give us His kind of confidence,a confidence that only children of God have. Then fear will slip away.

God is a loving,merciful and graceful Father. He loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son to this world to die for our sins. We have love because He loved us first. It's not what we have done,it is a free favor,a free gift from the Lord. We are sinners that deserve nothing,yet He gave us everything. Isn't that a GREAT love??

When we are under God's grace,we cannot help but be holy,we cannot help but be righteous. Hallelujah!! What a wonderful God we have!! His love does not just provides for us,but also protects us. Sometimes He does not answer our prayers not because He does not care about us,but because He love us so much that He wanted to protect us from what we cannot see in the future. This is Godly love,a love that no one else in the world can ever give!!

Sometimes people might so silly or sinful things. They are not evil,they're just lost and desire attention. They are lonely. They might have many friends but still be lonely. They might be in a huge crowd in Orchard Road and still be lonely. But I will never be. God fills up the lonliness in me. Hallelujah!! Although I had a very depressing past,but it shall not be in my heart anymore. I proclaim my heart is now healed and whole,ready for faith and worship and love to take root. In the name of Jesus Christ,AMEN!!

So I went out of church,full of new wisdom and knowledge God had gifted me with=) Praise the Lord!!

Well,I also had quite some homework to do. Today is busy and tiring,but still,it was very fruitful=) This is all thanks to Jesus Christ=) Hallelujah!!

11:02 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009
A very blessed day & a very unblessed day...

Yesterday was a very blessed day for me=) I went to New Creation Church with Siying,my dear sister in Christ=D So I was very happy,able to praise and worship God and listen to His Words.

But we were late...so we missed the praise and worship session...hai... but never mind=) I will have more to come in the future=) SAY AMEN!!

And anyway,yesterday's service was about debts and sowing. It can hardly relate to me,because due to God's grace,I was debt-free already. And I don't think my family owe any debts. But maybe it can relate to you.

God wanted us to be debt-free. He is more than willing to help us pay our debts. But this cannot happen if we didn't do anything. So this is where the sowing comes in. When you give your money to God, you are doing a completely natural thing.But God will multiply that money back supernaturally=) God will never ask us for something we do not have.So He expects us to do the natural and let Him do the supenatural=) Enough to pay for your debts and live on the rest. There are examples of stories like that in the Holy Bible. But I don't want my blog to be wordy and my eyesight to get worse by staring at the computer for long hours,so I'm just gonna tell you where to look if you are interested...

2 Kings 4:1-7-----'bout one pot of oil become many jars
2 Kings 6:1-7-----'bout an axe falling into water
1 Kings 17:8-16---'bout Elijah and a widow

If don't understand the stories can tag me or siying=) But must remember...God loves us so much that He is more than willing to help us to be debt-free supernaturally and of course legally. The love that God has for us is too great that it is impossible for me to put it in words.

I should have tell you more about the service,but I was very tired now...so yea...sorry=( If you are interested in knowing more,I think Siying's blog have=) So go see her blog=)

So that was yesterday...today wasn't so blessed...I think that the devil is jealous of me 'cause I went to church. I'm not insane...but that can be true anyway.

Today is Monday. I have Monday blues. So my font is blue.

I have no idea why I hate Mondays. Don't ask me. I just have no answer. Mondays just make me feel...not-so-good.

Anyway,today was really horrible.Firstly in the morning,the principal just went on and on about the Total Defence Day things during morning assembly. The the weather is like so bloody humid. I HATE humid weather. I rather freeze to death than get heated to death. I know I sound very pessimistic...but I usually really not like that de. I just had a really bad day.

Then it's lessons time. So far ok la...nothing much...

Anyway the main focus of this bad day is during the chemistry practical lesson. I really didn't know the school ground is actually slanted. The my classmate told me that that we were standing on the second floor of the science block although it looks like the first floor. Then when I entered the lab I noticed we were neither at first or second storey...but one the one-and half storey...'cause the lab's windows does not face the other blocks' second-storey windows. Understand?? No right??

And then before that someone wanted to go to the Biology lab,which is at the fourth storey. So I looked up like an idiot adn asked myself: Where the hell got fourth storey?? I see only three...

Anyway...I still don't know whether the bookshop is one-and-half storey or first story. If it's the first storey,then the canteen would be counted as basement. That would be awfully weird. The school structure so confusing...

We doing titration for Chem practical today. And the burette is totally different from what I used in secondary school. The outlet part is made of glass,not rubber. The I wasn't used to it. I keep turning the plastic clip the wrong side and the solution keep draining out when it wasn't supposed to. So I keep filling and draing the burette for dunno how many times.

And the solution comes from a very big container which we have to go get it ourselves. So I went to get the solutions. FA1 is sodium hydoxide and FA2 is sulphuric acid. When I opened the tap,I accidently knocked over my own beaker and my hand is full of the sulphuric acid=( Terrible isn't it?? But Jesus heals me,so nothing happened to my hands=) Hallelujah!!

Then I also pipetted the WRONG solution into the conical flask. Imagine my face when I put the methyl orange in. It turned red when it's supposed to be yellow=(

The something even worse happened. Somehow my beaker of sodium hydroxide got spilled and the whole table,including my pencil case and notes,were soaked with it. Damn the devil. Then the whole table like so bloody soapy.

And I also did something silly. VERY SILLY. Don't laugh ar... I totally mixed up the solutions and in the end I filled the burette with sodium hydoxide. So basically for that few minutes,I was titrating sodium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide. I only realised it when I used up more than half of the solution of the burette-.-

That's not all!! Then next lesson was P.E. First lesson height and weight...and I lost height and gained weight!! I wanted to faint,but in the end never faint. I should really start eating like a herbivore or don't eat at all. I HATE MY WEIGHT. My height is ok la...I still taller than many girls in my class. Thank God...BUT I HATE MY WEIGHT!! I don't want to be a fat dancer in SYF ='(

Then when I was doing homework...my siblings were so damn noisy. My house is like a marketplace every day. I really don't understand!! When you don't wish to see something,you can close your eyes,when you don't want to say something,you can close your mouth. But why is it that when we don't want to hear something,we cannot close our ears?!?! One day I might be forced into going to a cemetry to do homework. Very quiet place...

So that's the bad day. God gave me the gift of another 24 hours to my life and the devil just ruins ot all. So evil. But I trust God that tomorrow will be a better day=) And I thank God that there is a tomorrow for me=) After all,God will triumph over the devil,so there's absolutely no way my life will be like that again tomorrow=) I really want to thank Jesus for being with me today...or else I could have been knocked over by some truck when I cross the road or trip over some stairs and fall to death(That could happen,considering the rate the devil picks on me) Jesus keeps my life going,Hallelujah!!

10:06 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009
SYF...here I come!!

I had dance audition yesterday...and I was selected for SYF this year on April. I'm gonna be very busy so I may not be able to blog often=( But I'm glad that I was chosen for SYF,'cause I really love to dance=) Although there may not be any hip-hop at all,still,to be able to dance is actually good enough=) Hallelujah...I must really thank God for making me a fine dancer=) I may not be the best dancer in the world,but in God's eyes,I'm already a perfect dancer=) Praise the Lord!!

And I must also thank Miss Jenny,my previous dance instructor. If not for her,I wouldn't have a strong foundation at all.

I wasn't exactly feeling good today=( Not only because the weather is too hot,but also I had a really bad ache in my left calf and someone just tried to pick a fight with me.

The ache in my left calf came from a floor warm-up exercise I did yesterday. I lay on the floor on my back and lifted both my legs to stretch...but the left calf cramped=( Shocking and embarrasing...I look like some weakling who is not suitable for dancing. A very nice senior actually wanted to carry me to the side,but I refused...not that I had anything against her...but I'm just not used to be carried around...especially when everyone is watching. And that's how the pain in my left calf came about.

But my life wasn't really that bad...'cause my Heavenly Daddy is always watching out for me=) For a few days,I actually got a pain in my right eye and it hurts like hell when I rub my right eye. So one day I just couldn't stand it anymore and I asked Lord Jesus to heal me. And I am healed...immediately=) Just after I prayed,my eye no longer hurts=) Isn't Jesus such a wonderful healer?? He doesn't heal with medication,He heals with love=)

Jesus made my life so sweet and happy=) I'm really happy that He is my God=) Although some people might hate me,but I don't care. I won't hate them back 'cause God filled me with His love. For an example of someone who hates me,you can go ask my friends.

Happy Valentines Day!!

8:52 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New blogskin and blog song!! =D

You Alone I Praise
My righteousness,my holiness
Emmanuel living in me
Merciful king,to You I sing
Matchless in worth,You're awesome indeed

You alone I praise
The Lamb upon the throne
You alone I praise
And make Your glory known
You alone I praise
The keeper of my heart
You alone I praise
Jesus,lover of my soul

You alone I praise (x6)

[Sing along if you can=)]

Haha...I got new blogskin=) Nice isn't it. For those who don't understand and wishes to know what my blogskin is about...please read on. If you are not interested,it's okay=)

Jesus Christ came to this world to save us. How?? He was punished in place of us for our sins.He was beaten up REALLY badly and was cruxified. The hammer and nails physically represent the cruxification of Lord Jesus. But what it really represent is the love that Jesus have for us. He was willing to be nailed to the cross by those horrible tools for us. Isn't He a wonderful God??

The letter in my blogskin tells us many things. Firstly,it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. Secondly, it tells us that Jesus is the link between us and God the Father. For those who do not understand,this is something about the Holy Trinity,who are God the Father,God the Son and the holy spirit(in God's children). So without Jesus,we cannot get to our Heavenly Father at all. So this is also why Jesus came.Not only because He loves us,but also we will be able to be with our heavenly Daddy and have eternal life.=) Hallelujah!!

When I saw this blogskin I was very touched. Our heavenly Daddy loves us so much that no matter how much it hurts Him,He still sent His Son,Jesus,to this world to save us. I owe Him my life. I couldn't have been happy like now without God at all.Hallelujah.

If you have not accepted Jesus as your God and you wish to do so, say this prayer:
Lord Jesus,thank You for loving me and dying for me on the cross.Your precious blood washes me clean of every sin.You are my Lord,my Savior and my God now and forever.I believe You rose from the dead and that You are alive today.God,You are my Father and I am Your child because of Jesus.Thank You for filling my heart with Your peace and joy.In the name of Jesus Christ,Amen!!

God bless ya!! =)

9:18 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009
IJC uniform is soooooooo much nicer than RS uniform=)

I think that IJC uniform looks better on me than RS uniform. RS uniform makes me look so damn fat. Thank God I'm in IJC...hahahah... although ACJC never accept my appeal,I don't care anymore. I like IJC...'cause got a lot of stairs for me to climb so I can lose weight faster and also strengthen my legs=D Very good for my health...if I don't trip and roll down the stairs=)

Today I folded my skirt...and was caught by a teacher=( But I think my skirt quite okay leh...not very short ar...much longer than a miniskirt.If long long skirt then look very ugly leh...why can't the teachers understand?!?! But thank God at least the teacher told me nicely and never scream at me.

Anyway...I never unfolded my skirt. I went straight home after school and did my homework=) I havn't used my brain for very long time liao..it kind of rust already and I need a very long time to finish solving one binomial expansion. But I believe God will give me wisdom and knowledge to do well if I am willing to learn=) And I am VERY willing to learn=)

I am supposed to meet my friends in the afternoon because it's Baosheng's birthday=) Happy birthday Baosheng!! But in the end I only went to meet them in the evening because I was doing homework=( I'm not nerdy or anything...it's just that I need a lot of revision. I AM NOT A NERD!!

So met up with Mindy,Siying and Baosheng...but never see Yanping=( Mindy and Siying wearing AJC PE attire...no comments...but I was wondering if their PE shirts were new or hand-me-down from their seniors...'cause the colour looks faded(no offense).

I feel that we should be grateful to Jesus that we got opprotunity to study...some people actually cannot afford to go to school. So thanks to Jesus,I am starting to like going to school=) And I don't have to wake up so bloody early 'cause IJC start lessons at about 8=) Hallelujah!!

8:35 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Went to church today=D

Today went to New Creation Church with Siying and Mindy =) It was such a wonderful service today,I really love it=D Today pastor Benjamin talks about faith our hearts.

Faith that comes from hearing God's words does not come from the mind...it comes from our heart.The heart is a place of faith=) Knowledge is from our mind and knowledge puffs people up,make them proud and arrogant. So we should make God's words our priority,and then our faith will increase=) We should never give up n God's words,because God's words has never ever given up on us,although we sometimes were stubborn and as dumb as sheeps. Hallelujah...I have such a gracious God,amen=D

God loved us first,and he died for us so that we can have faith=) So faith is energized by God's love for us=) Hallelujah!!

Our hearts might distrust God sometimes,because our failures or disappointments in the past. But God does not blame us and does not despise our failures. He wants to heal our heart through Jesus Christ!! Isn't God merciful??

Anxiety makes the heart sick. So Jesus also wants us to cast our worries and cares on Him...and He will heal us. When we have problems,we can always consult God,because God is always with us,and it depended on whether you believe it or not. If we rest in the finished work of Lord Jesus,even if we end up in the most negative situation,He can turn it around for us. He turned water into wine,healed a leper,raised Lazarus from death. What can Jesus not do?? Nothing is impossible for God!! Hallelujah!!

The world may see our brokeness and throw us aside,but God would never do that. The world may despise you for your failures,but God would never ever do that. Jesus loves us so much that He died for us. I am so blessed to be able to know such a wonderful God,amen. Even if the world hates me,I will still be loved by my heavenly Daddy=)

8:09 PM

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lesson start liao...=(

Yesterday orientation ended=( It was the best orientation I ever had!! Although I wasn't so high,but I still love this orientation...I actually felt kind of sad when it ended=( But anyway...praise God for blessing me with such wonderful orientation=D

Then today all JC1 students got mass talk and GPS lecture...BORING!! But at least one of the lecturer had a sense of (warped) humour...that was the only time that wasn't boring. I don't like the vice-principal here...but I don't want to gossip about him.

Then today after school went to work...my student's English still never improve=( But thanks to God's grace...I wasn't fired,yet. If she could get wonderful results for English in her progress test this March,I can still keep my job=) So I believe Jesus can help me with this problem!! GO JESUS!!

After work went to Yanping's house...we played Mahjong=) We are not gambling. We are only playing a game...no money was involved. I don't gamble. I don't like to gamble...in fact I hate gambling. Gambling can cause financial difficulties in families and it is also a waste of money. So people...DON'T GAMBLE!! You can easily get addicted!! You might have something called the 'beginner's luck'...but in the end,you might become a gambling addict with mountains of debts.

If you are addicted to gambling...you can always ask Lord Jesus to help=) Pray for strength to resist gambling...and miracles can happen if you believe in Him=)

9:35 PM

Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm not the kind who rejoices when school starts. I hate waking up early in the morning. I hate going to sleep early at night. I hate doing homework. I also hate physics. But at least now I have nothing to do with physics. Whew...thank God for small blessings...

So today I went to Innova JC. Actually it's not that bad there. The way the seniors behave actually made them look younger than us. Praise God for such hyper people...or else the whole day sure like dead dead de.They so high de. They keep cheering during the orientation but I was half asleep until the mass dance starts...which is at around 4.15pm. I'm not a sloth. I had like 3 hours of assembly talk early in the morning...so how awake I can be??

I'm actually eligible to take 4H2 subjects...but I didn't 'cause it would be suicide. So I took the normal subject combination like everyone else...and the best thing is... I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE MOTHER TONGUE!! WAHAHAHAHA!! Praise Jesus!! Halleujah!!

Then tomorrow still need to go to school and lesson starts on thursday=( But at least I got a new friend=) I dunno how to spell her name yet...but still...I must thank God for giving me a friend when I was alone=)

9:13 PM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)