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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Very tiring day...

Today went to Mindy's house with Yanping. Never see them for very long liao...miss them so much!! I also miss Siying,whom I heard is at Hongkong.Have a nice holiday,Siying!!=D I also miss my best friends Yunqin and Mingyan. Then I also miss Wenqi, Amanda and Huiyi. I'm not a lesbian just im case you are wondering. I just got more female friends than male friends.

So went to Mindy's house dunno do what. Then Mindy suddenly ask me to wear high heels. Then I wear lo,'cause I want my legs to look longer and Mindy also said high heels are more compatible with my miniskirt. But after walking for a few minutes then my feet hurt like siao. But thank Jesus...my feet don't have blister...WAHAHAHA...'cause I changed back into my sneakers when we reach Lot 1. Thank Jesus that I had spare sneakers inside my bag =) Can't say the same for Yanping though...she had to wear high heels throughout the day...and her feet hurt until more siao than my feet =( But in Jesus's name,she will be healed!!

So we went to Lot 1 to watch movie:The Wedding Game. The movie is not bad...but got a lot of crude remarks and scenes that is not suitable for children. So people with children...please keep your children someplace else...=P

After the movie we went back to Mindy's house. We ate New Year goodies and played 2 rounds of mahjong. I didn't have dinner there,'cause my mom cooked for me liao. So I actually ate 4 pieces of fried chicken,2 big 2 small.

Then Mindy had to go family outing suddenly.So Yanping and I went home. Haha...such a blessed day...Hallelujah!!

10:08 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009
Lunar New Year...Year Of Cow

Today is Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the cow. But then I never see any angbao with cow designs on it D= But never mind...the angbao inside got money can liao...who the hell cares bout the design of the angbao...

So today went to my grandparents' house to 拜年. Nothing much to say...except that my grandma looked very frail D= GRANDMA!!Take good care of yourself!! YOU CAN DO IT!! I rarely visit my grandparents...so I can actually see that my grandma is getting thinner and thinner over time =( When I was young,she even had the strength to chase away cats that enter the house...

My grandparents' house was small so when everyone arrived,the house was very cramped.It was pretty difficult to find one decent place to stand. So in the end I stood around many different places. When there were less people,I actually could find a place to sit=)

I really want to thank Jesus for giving me such a complete family. A complete family seemed common,but not many people actually know how to appreciate it. For most people in countries like Cambodia,they don't have complete families at all.

I used to be that blind,never really seeing my family. But Jesus gave me wisdom and taught me to appreciate and love my family members. Now I'm on much better terms with my family than before. Hallelujah...I owe it to Jesus.

To have the whole family to eat reunion dinner is not very easy. Humans are frail. There are a lot of ways that can easily end one's life. Just walk out to the road with your eyes closed(PLEASE DON'T TRY THAT!!) and BAM!! Your life will be over liao. So I feel that we should cherish everyone we love and everyone who loves us.

Have a happy Chinese 牛 Year!!=D

9:40 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Rock climbing...

Today went rock climbing with Mindy,Siying,Adeline,Sam,Linus, YeuMahn,Darren and Russell...very long list sia...and nope,not the horror stories writer Russell Lee...just in case you are wondering...

We went into the indoor rock climbing room,'cause the outdoor one is really blazing under the hot sun. But before that the workers were having a break,so we played a few rounds of murderer,polar bear and hmmm...dunno how to spell that...but it's just a game pretty similar to polar bear. I was the detective in the game of murderer BOTH rounds. So sian...I actually rather be victim.

Then when the workers came back,we paid and went into the indoor rock climbing facilities. The whole floor was lined with thick mattresses, so people won't worry about crashing to the floor. We can like climb to the top and straight away jump down...but I got no guts to do that...haha...

It was my first time there...so I a little bit sua gu...I was like looking around the room...gaping at everything...

The when I want to climb up to the second floor(using the floor,not the wall)...got one scary person scare me...more than twice lo!! That person is Yeumahn-.- I seriously never thought that he could scare the crap out of people until now...so now that I know,I'm gonna be scarier than him. So next time he scares me...I will kick him and leave a shoeprint on his face.Heh heh heh...

I actually didn't climb more than 1 metre above ground,'cause I was afraid of the feeling of falling down. Although there were mattresses everywhere,I'm still afraid of falling down=( I have no issue with heights...but I just don't like to fall down. Seriously from the moment I accepted Jesus Christ,I have not even fell down and injured myself once...hallelujah!! But before that...I'm the kind who often slip and fall de...got once I even had a minor sprain in my ankle from a fall during dance practice. Now due to the grace of God,it's getting better=)

Yeumahn and Linus kept wrestling with one another-.- I was pretty worried that they might hurt themselves or something...but thank God,they actually walked out of the place alive...in fact everyone walked out of the place alive=) Isn't that good??

So me,Mindy and Siying bought a small snack and went off,'cause we all having dinner at home. I had such a blessed day today=) Not only I felt happy,but I also had no injuries at all=) Praise the Lord!! Thank God for giving us such a blessed day=D

8:32 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009
God is always with us

Today went to New Creation Church=) I actually wanted to go yesterday, but I had to visit my grandparents,so I didn't go. But today, I can go!! WAHAHAHA...praise the Lord...

Today's sermon was about God is always with us,24/7. And also why some Chrsitians are living a life far worse than non-christians,although God had promised to prosper us.

With God's power working in us,God can do much much more than anything we can ask or think of. (Ephesians 3:20)

So for God to bless us, all we have to do is just ask (for the right reasons of course), proclaim and believe. Then we'll get our miracle,our blessings. Of course,sometimes we might have to wait for days,months or even years,because God always give us blessings at the right time. Like if a two-year old child asks for a pair of high-heels, no parent would actually be stupid enough to give her one pair straight away,right?? Yes, she'll get the high-heels when she is old enough.

So why do we have to ask when God knows everything in our hearts and what we need?? Well...the pastor didn't really say...but I have my own theory...if we didn't ask and yet get everything, they will think that they can do everything and that they will forget that it is God that gave them blessings all along.Then we will start to get over-confident and arrogant, that without Jesus,without God,we can do everything. But God doesn't want that to happen. It would sadden Him,to have His people turn against Him like that. God wants to be our Father. He wants to be close to us. Well...this is just my theory...if I'm wrong,please do correct me=)

So I've learnt today that complaining and grumbling is a waste of time. We could have used this time to get Jesus into our situation. When Jesus comes into our lives, we'll get blessings and miracles beyond our imagination. We'll also then be able to claim back what the devil took away from us. And I'm gonna do just that,bringing Jesus into my life, from now on.

Well,how am I gonna do that??

I pray that you and all God's holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ's love.I pray that you can understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is.Christ's love is greater than any person can ever know. But I pray that you will be able to know that love.Then you can be filled with the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:18-19)

So to bring Jesus into our situations,all we have to do is to understand and believe how Jesus loves us.Come on,He died for us on the cross unconditionally and was beaten up REALLY badly before that. What does this already tells us?? He loves us so much that He is willing to die for us,even before we were born. Hallelujah!! Thank You Jesus!!

I'm so glad I went to church today=) Then I can share what the pastor said with you all=) Praise the Lord,Amen. Goodnight=D

10:17 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009
Boring day...

Today I had a very boring day,so I'm now doing something interseting=) Haha...I'm not trying to make anyone blind...just testing your eyesight=) Anyway...had not just a boring day,but a very bad day also...don't wish to go on further...but I believe that what the devil has taken from me, my dear Jesus will make him repay me,and in abundance=) Watch out, satan,when Jesus Christ comes again...you are so going DOWN!! WAHAHAHAHA!!

I'm not evil or anything,just in case you are wondering...

11:31 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009
O-level results =)

"The Lord will make you like the head and not the tail.You will be on top and not on the bottom."Deuteronomy 28:13 =)

Today got back o-level results. I'm supposed to feel nervous and all, but I'm not=) Because Lord Jesus gave me peace,a peace that cannot be taken away=)Hallelujah!! So I was uncannily calm all the way,which is good I guess. Better than panicking the hell out of myself. "You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it."(Matthew 6:27)

So I got 7 distinctions and L1R5 of 10...not as good as I expected,but satisfactory at least. Anyway,it is Jesus who did all these. Look at me,I'm a very average student,how could I have gotten such results without Jesus's help?? I can do all things through Christ=)

Those who thought that you didn't do well enough,don't worry=) God will always prosper you if you believe that you will be prospered=)We are already blessed, because Jesus took all of our places of poverty at the cross...praise the Lord...Christ paid completely and perfectly for our total forgiveness,righteousness and every blessings!! =) Hallelujah!! "If God is with us,then no one can defeat us."(Romans 8:31)

So after that went Seoul Garden for a little celebration with Siying,her brother,Huiyi and Mindy=D WAAAAAAAAAAA...God really blessed me with abundance...I ate until I was really very full.I ate more than what I could.Then in the end I could hardly walk...and I also smell like barbequed meat,even after I shampooed my hair=( But in God's eyes(and nose),I'm still perfect=)

Then met up with Yunqin and Joanne in Comics Connection.Then walked around cwp and the night market before going home.Missed them so much=) What a blessed day=D I'm really very grateful and touched by the way God treated me. He treated with with absolute kindness and patience,although sometimes I just behave like a moron. Thank You so much,my beloved Father=) Hallelujah!!

8:47 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Shopping =)

Today went shopping with Yanping,Baosheng and Wenqi=) Actually in the morning I met Yanping and Mindy only. Mindy gave me a VERY belated christmas present,but THANK YOU MINDY!! LOVE YOUR PRESENT!!=D I will definately treasure it well=) Later after a century still can use=) Haha!!

Me and Yanping went Bishan Junction 8,but there like got nothing much=( All the cheap clothes are ugly,all the nice clothes are like BLOODY expensive.So it's quite a wasted trip...=(...But fear not...'cause God has nicer shops for us to see=D

So then we met Baosheng in Sembawang,just outside Sunplaza. We went to This Fashion. I saw some nice clothes there...but I felt that it doesn't suit me at all=( Yanping kept taking dresses for me to try...like I going prom night. But I not buying clothes for prom!! Alamak...very difficult to choose nice clothes with them around (no offense)...

I didn't buy anything from This Fashion in Sembawang. So we went to This Fashion in Kranji.That shop is so damn HUGE and it also has a lot of clothes I liked. In the end,I bought a lacy miniskirt=D Thank God I finally have a nice skirt=) Hallelujah!!

Then we went to meet Wenqi in Jurong Point. We thought that Jurong Point is at Jurong East...but it's at Boonlay. So weird de...

So I bought lip gloss and eyeline and Yanping bought lipgloss in John Little.Then me and Yanping went home while Baosheng and Wenqi went some place else.

Now my legs hurt like siao=( But in Jesus's name,I will be healed=D Haha!! I had a great time today=) I hope that my friends will feel the same way too=D God bless you!!

9:29 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Zoo pics=D See the gifts of God...

Lazy lion -.-
Here is a beautiful rainbow=) It rained that day,but I saw this rainbow...and this tells me that whatever troubles the devil throw at you, God will turn it into something good,something beautiful=D HALLELUJAH!!!
Small giraffe=)
A herd of rhinos drinking H2O...hmmm...but the H2O is kind of muddy=P
Giant tortoise!!! Never knew they could actually move...=P
This is some species of tamarin...and it's very tiny.
Lemur!! I touched this...the fur is super soft de=)
Penguin!! Like bird in a tuxedo=)
I'm not sure whether they are macaws or parrots...hmmm...in my opinion, the one in front is a macaw and the one behing is the parrot=) If any of you know the correct answer then tell me=)
Iguana eating dinner=D
Snake...don't worry...it's not voldemort's pet nor the same serpent that caused Eve to sin=)
Butterfly=) Butterfly refers to an insect, not a butter that flies=)
Frog!!It's not that huge actually...it's pretty tiny=)
This is a falabella,a miniature horse=) I'm not sure whether can ride one or not...
This falabella looks kind of thin=(
Crocodile with an open mouth.It's not going to eat the plant...it was as still as a statue=)I forgot what's the bird's name...but it's certainly beautiful=) Thank God for creating such wonders=)
A beautiful lakeside view=) God is certainly artistic...He created such a wonderful view=) Praise the Lord...
Mousedeers=) 2 of them..can see?? If cannot see then you really COCKEYE de...
Asian elephant...
Snake again...it's a little dark though...didn't have the chance to edit the pic=P
I didn't know what this is...but my guess is a hyrax
Goats from Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia=) The smaller baby is so CUTE!!
This goat's pretty outgoing=) He actually came to me=)
White tiger having lunch...DO NOT INTERUPT!!
White tiger marking it's territory...
Tiger in water does not make tiger soup...
Peahen!! Cannot find peacock...=(
Hmmm...this is a weird creature...oh!! I remember now!! It's a probosics monkey=)

9:24 PM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)