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Sunday, November 30, 2008
How modern dancers PARTY!!

Kit, me, and Shirley!! Forgot to
take photo with Debbie =(

Sharifah!! She so CUTE!!

Amanda,yanping,me and huiyi...haha!!(The ppl)
holding the toys, not the toys itselves)
The seniors' cake!! From our beloved juniors=)

Mysterious people...




Miss Jenny punching Shasha!!

Me and my beautiful dance instructor, Miss Jenny!!

Whoa...it seems that they mistook taking pics
with taking video...haha!!
So these are the pictures taken during that modern dance outing...so cute rite?? Haha!! I miss all of them..my juniors, my friends and Miss Jenny...wish I could see them again soon=)Thank God for bringing us together for such an unforgetable outing...

11:16 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008
A day full of screams and laughter...

I know that I am supposed to report back to Teckhwee's church camp...but I didn't. It's kind of troublesome because my dad does not let me stay overnight. What a pity...I could have learnt a lot from the camp.But I really do not want to incur my dad's wrath, so that's one of the reason for not reporting back. Another thing is...I woke up too late=P So no point going.The camp is like in Changi in some ulu location. May take more than 2 hours to go there and more than 2 hour to come home. Go there say hi then bye like very waste time. But I felt so bad...because I thought that I could stay overnight and I told them I would be back on Thursday or Friday...and I M.I.A on both days...like very what leh... But I think got me or no me also no difference...so maybe i think no big deal. WAAAAAAA.....my English need improvements...
So I am just in time to attend Modern Dance Outing!! YAY!! So the juniors booked a room in some condo and we played some games. The first game we made one circle and someone starts doing a dance move. The next continues the dance move. So it's a test of memory and creativity. A few people had to do the forfeit though...such as:
1.Catwalk(Pole dance was suggested but cannot find pole)
2.Strip dance(Jacket only...dun think too much)
3.Chicken dance(The chicken like nvr eat)
Next we played charade. We were divided into 5 grps and the first person of each group was to learn one-eights of dance steps. The rest turn behind so cannot peek. The first person is supposed to teach the second person the dance steps and the second person teach the third so on and on. The group with the highest accuracy of the original steps wins...and MY GROUP WON!! HAHAHA!! But Yanping's group lost though...had to run a lap around the swimming pool and flap their arms like wings at the same time. HAHA!! Thank God my group won!! The Yanping run like penguin...I got her video leh...WAHAHAHAHAHA..but that's only for my eyes to see...you all have to imagine.
Then finally we had lunch. Pizza!! Actually I was hoping for something more filling, but at least have pizza. So thank God. At least never starve to death. And Shasha so high lo!! She very CUTE!! She even did our SYF movements...haha!! And she also dance tango wth yanping...but no skill though..crashed into Manda and Huiyi who are also dancing tango.Haha!!
Then more games came...we seniors form one group ourselves.Won three games out of four!! Hahaha!! SENIORS ROX!! Our juniors rox too...but seniors got more experience on roxing... haha!!What the bloody hell happened to my english?!?!
And...MISS JENNY CAME!! Missed her so much!! She gave each of the seniors some toy for massaging back. I got a cat toy. Hahaha!! My favourite animal!! Thank God!!
So the juniors bought us a cake too, for thanking the seniors=D But we never ate the cake...we played with it!! Haha!! I finally smeared cream on Miss Jenny...haha!! Never done that to any teacher before...however...Miss Jenny sought revenge and my whole left arm got smeared with cream...HAHA!! Anger a teacher at your own risk...I really shouldn't have worn spagetti straps today...because this makes me an easy target for cream smearing. At the end not only my face kena smear...but also my arms and neck!! EEEEEEEEWWWWWW....
So after having fun,everyone went to wash up.Toilet too small...so me and some other girls used the guys' toilet. Nice experience...never entered a guys' toilet before.
And soon...it's time to leave. Me,yp and manda went to dhoby ghaut to meet mindy and baosheng and his church friends. They all so cute!! MISS MINDY SO MUCH ALSO!! Practically screamed when we saw each other...haha. Everyone thought we siao de. The ate ice-cream. But my stomach was suffering...so I never ate much. And got one guy with brown hair(Forgot his name =P)keep saying 'shut up'. Haha...so cute!! Got headache at around this time...so most things cannot rmb well...
And so baosheng,mindy and his church friends went to church in paya lebar while me,yp and manda went orchard.Manda wanted to buy sunglasses. After that,finally went home. This is one of the most exhausting day...yet one of the most fun-filled days I have ever had. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!

11:18 PM

Not happy today... Not allowed to stay overnight for church camp yesterday and today,because father don't allow. Then Changi so far somemore...go back and forth takes a bloody long time. So I did not go camp today...I feel so bad!! But by the time I reached there it would already be afternoon, and my father wants me to be home by 9pm. SIAO!! Then stay there for a few hours then must go home. So wasted!! I missed out a bloody lot of things!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?!?! =(

So I wasted a day rotting at home...because my father cancelled the tuition!! I AM PISSED. REALLY REALLY PISSED. This can't be happening to me!!

Hmmm...but it's not so bad...because my wonderful mom cooked fried chicken today!! Thank God for that...or I could have gone insane from all these bloody frustration.

The colours I used today look so Christmas =D

12:01 AM

Monday, November 24, 2008
Very bo liao

Hohoho! I shall post some pictures! Wahahahah!



By Yinlin: Si ahgong cockeye de, dun listen to her...him...dunno la...
By yanping: AHMA CANT DIFFERENTIATE SEX! even cock- eye-er!
By Yinlin: Ah gong dunno female or male lo...Yanping is female,but she is oso ahgong...what the hell...
By yanping: ahmaaaaa wat the heaven..

2:57 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

MY DAD LET ME GO CHURCH!! Wahahaha!! Not only that...he also LET ME ACCEPT CHRIST!! WAHAHAHA!! PRAISE THE LORD that I have this wonderful moment. So my dears...you can see that a miracle has happened to me, so those of you whose parents that do not let you go church or accept Christ or both, don't lose hope okay?? Trust in God, trust in dear Lord Jesus no matter what. Even a stubborn and scary earthly dad like mine let me accept Christ, how difficult can yours be??
But my dad also warned me that I cannot be too devoted, or he will not let me go church again. He also made some horrible remarks which I don't wanna type it in.Hai...never mind...at least I am able to accept Christ. And one more thing, he also expects me to still pray to the buddha statue. =P Do you think I will care?? Haha!!
So I went to Teckhwee's church today=D Everything in chinese language...then very difficult to take down notes and sing the worship songs. Hai...need to improve on chinese language liao...
Anyway, the pastor today talking about how we should pray. But the way he taught us to pray is so formal leh...dun really like. I like to chit-chat with God, because I feel happier that way. I like to tell my Heavenly Daddy about everything that's happening in my life=P Although He already knows,but I still wanna tell Him myself because I wanna get closer to Him. But the pastor don't make me feel as though our Daddy is available for informal chit-chat. So I felt confused, because in Mindy's church, the pastors tells us that our Heavenly Daddy is always there for us, but the pastor in Teckhwee's church made me feel as if our Heavenly Daddy is strict and stern. WAAAAAAAAA...SO CONFUSING!!
And then after the service, I went to eat. Then I left the church. Teckhwee asked me to join the church choir, but I really cannot,because my chinese language sucks and I always sing off-key. And anyway,I don't think there's anything for me to do in choir anyway, unless they want me sweep the floor=P
So after I left the church and went home, there's nothing exciting to tell. So I end here. May God's grace be with you, Amen!!

10:53 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008
From very long to very short

Yo!! I CUT MY HAIR YESTERDAY!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! It's a nightmare seeing all my hair on the floor. But at least the person cut until nice nice de=D If not really unending nightmare!! So thank God!! Haha...I got nice new hairstyle now=D I post my before and after pictures tomorrow, because I lazy to do it now.

Very boring...today stay at home got nothing to do...feel so useless...Staying at home and rotting away...nothing unusual...

Wanna go work...but no part-time job available...I said I can do full-time also...but they want permanent employees...so irritating...

My life is so boring!!

2:59 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today went Causeway Point, Vista Point and Orchard Road. Why?? To look for a job!! So pathetic!! I looked for days and I still haven't found a job!! People just don't want to employ part-time workers who would quit the moment school starts. Serves me right for looking for a job this late. Most of the part-time job vacancies had already been filled up. This is a bloody difficult time to trust in God, however, I shall trust in Him. I MUST HAVE FAITH!! I trust in God to give me a job opportunity=) I know that God wouldn't let me starve.(It's not that serious, it's just a figure of speech. I have enough food at home anyway.)

11:41 PM

YO! I'm back! I went to my class chalet on 16 November. At first,I decided to stay there in aloha loyang until 18 November. But due to several reasons, I came back a day earlier.

If you are interested, the reasons are:
1.Wrong time of the month (If you know then you know,if dunno means dunno)
2.Butt pain, wrist pain, palm pain and back pain from bicycle ride
3.Miss my cute little bro
4.Tired of junk food
5.Lousy toilets/showers

Ok...yea I finnally knew how to ride a bike!! I must really thank God for that, because God created Mindy and Siying, and Mindy and Siying taught me how to ride a bike. So God had it all planned for me...and I didn't even fall!! WAHAHAHA!! Praise the Lord!! The only small accidents I had were only going off track, crashing into someone's bike and crashing into a bush. But no injuries at all=) Thank God for that.

Me, Mindy, Yanping, Siying and some classmates (couldn't remember all...too tired...cannot think) rode to downtown east from aloha loyang in the middle of the night. Haha. This is the first time i had so much fun in my night. But eventually I can't stand it anymore because I was exhausted and aching all over, so we went back to the chalet. I went straight to bed after a shower.There wasn't enough space to let one person have one whole bed to him or herself, so I shared a bed with Mindy(Some people may actually envy me,haha). It's squeezy, but when the night gets colder, squeezing with someone actually keeps us warm. But I didn't really get a good sleep because the bed is like a rock and I only had four hours of sleep.

Yanping and Siying should feel worse than me, because they slept like only one or two hours. But they actually look more hyperactive than I did. I wonder how they managed to stay so awake. I would have went into shock if I sleep so little.

That night, we also had barbeque. Yay!! I like barbequed food. I really liked the chicken wings, but inside the chicken wings, some parts are uncooked!! Still got blood!! Aaaaaahhhh!! But I teared off the bloody parts myself. Can't stand blood. So I am definately not a vampire. And the otah also. Every otah I eat seemed to be not cooked fully. So sad... But at least the marshmallows are ok=D Thank God for giving us so much nice food to eat=)

Ok...before I go..I need to tell you two important things...
-Next time if you wanna go chalet, don't go garden terrace. One floor only, somemore aircon limited time.Then the room like military bunks also.
-If you are riding a bike with me on the same road/path, remember must siam me, because I just learnt and sometimes still very unstable, so I dunno how to siam people.

Bye!! God bless you!! Amen!!

12:01 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bad mood...irritate me at your own risk

Bad mood today. Don't actually feel like posting. Maybe due to PMS. I want to write something about the prom but now I really not in the mood. The food sucks if you ask me, but thank God at least we got food to eat that day. Anyway if you want to know anything about the prom you go to yanping's or mindy's blog. Ok, that's it then. May God's grace be with you. (I learnt that from Paul the apostle in the Bible)

12:06 AM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
35 push-ups

I did 35 push-ups today...girls' style of course....then my arms were so numb that typing this post seemed very difficult for me to achieve. I also did centre-split...nearly split myself into half, because I haven't did that for a long time. Now my butt so pain. =( But in Jesus's name, I will be healed=D

I WANNA DANCE!! After o-level I am gonna dance until siao. I miss dancing so much!! I growing fat already, because never dance, never go jogging. Then some more eat a lot at home. But I like to eat lo. Eating is actually one of my favourite pastimes...so I must really thank God that I have plenty of food to eat at home=D

Haha...now chatting with Mindy and Yun Qin... Yun Qin say my blog very Godly =D Haha!

10:09 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

I found that I always talking about God, but never talk about Jesus Christ, the One that sacrificed Himself for our sins because He loves us so much. What a lousy Christian I am... We have God's grace through Jesus Christ so without Jesus, we cannot get to God at all.So I must also thank Jesus Christ for everything I have=) I wanna thank Jesus Christ and God for giving me a complete family, many many wonderful friends, a healthy body and all my possessions=) I am so blessed!!

So everyone,dun take all these for granted.Thank God and Jesus for them.Not everyone is so blessed.Don't always complain about what you do not have,but focus on God,focus on Jesus Christ, and you will realised that you and everything and even more to come=)

Today went rp.Not to study...to charge phone=P Then went shopping with Yanping,my dear ah gong.Haha.We planning on what to buy for Christmas liao...because we lazy to study. Then tell you ar...Yanping very noisy de.She keep pestering me to buy her a hude teddy bear. I tell her I dun have $$$ liao,but she like deaf like that.Hai...she always on earpiece so loud, no wonder she kinda deaf.

We met Miss Jenny(our beautiful dance instructor) and Sharifah!! I miss them so much!!

10:01 PM

Sunday, November 9, 2008
God blessed me with abundance=)

Today bright and early in the morning,my dad gave me $$$.Haha.I not going to tell you how much...it's a secret...but it's quite a lot=) I feel that God knows that I'm flat broke,so He gave me $$$ to use through my earthly dad.Haha.Thank You God!!God has always taken really good care of me=)

I went to Teckhwee's church today=)The pastor seemed less fierce today. Last week when he preach,he sounded so fierce that I thought God was scolding me. He preaching about treasuring God's creation, then he sounded so fierce that I thought God was blaming me for killing His bee that flew into my house the previous night. But this week different. He dun have that fierce look liao=) And I feel that God will always forgive me=) Because He is my Heavenly Father,He is far more gracious,loving and forgiving than we imagined.

Just now I went to feed my online pony,and I found out that I was gifted with another beautiful pony=) I thank God for it,because He indirectly gave the pony for me=) He loves me so much that He gave me more than I need. This grace and love is just so bloody unearned,undeserved and unmerited.I'm telling you this because I want to prove that God's love for us is real. These trivial stuff I have may seemed nothing to you, but to me, I feel God's love.Thank You. my dear Father=)

10:02 PM

Saturday, November 8, 2008
A very unexciting saturday

Hai...today weather so warm...almost suffocated liao.So I thought I would do something that would let me remain cool and dry,because I don't like to perspirate. Makes me stink=( So anyway today I spent most of my time reading a story book, nothing much to talk about.I am not a boring person hor.I can be quite a rebel sometimes=)

Today I also read my Bible(Mindy gave it to me as a present=DThank God for giving me such a wonderful friend) and I read until the part where Jacob died(finally). Can feel Joseph's sadness=( (For those who don't know, Joseph is Jacob's favourite son)but since I don't really know Jacob,I can't say that I am truly grieved about his death, which happened way before I was born. So there's nothing much to say either.

My Saturdays are normally unexciting,exept for the Saturdays when we go to Mindy's church=) I really look foward to it...Not only because the pastor is really good looking =P but also the sermon is really really...hmmm..how to say...aha...the sermon sets me thinking and it's very easy to understand=)Thank God for teaching me through these sermons=)Amen.

10:50 PM

Friday, November 7, 2008
Today is Friday!!!(My favourite day of the week)

I haven't finish making my mask for the prom leh!!But never mind.My mask is not too difficult to make anyway.Me,Yanping and Siying were supposed to do finish the mask by today,but somehow we ended up watching movies in Teckhwee's house=P The movie "She's The Man" so damn nice de lo!! Although the ending quite shocking (Yanping and Siying should know what happened in the soccer finals in the movie, that part shocked away like ten years of my life),but i laughed almost throughout the movie=)So funny de. It's about a girl who loves to play soccer,but her own school is cutting team. Then at the same time, her brother went off to London secretly for some musician thingy.So she went to his school and went for the soccer team to prove that girls can play soccer as well as guys. GO GIRL POWER!!!! Something like that but there's more.Everyone should watch this movie. It shows that girls are as capable as guys=) I dunno why God made Adam first,but maybe if I go up there one day I can ask Him myself. But for now,I have to dwell in this mystery=P

And we also watched Constantine.Actually dun really like this movie. So scary de.I screamed twice lo.So embarrassing but the ghosts jump out from nowhere de.Shocked another ten years away liao. Next time wanna watch scary movie,please dun ask me.I regret watching Constantine. Although the plot is good but it brings out a lot of stereotypes about God. But anyway,i like it when John Constantine says :" This is Constantine. John Constantine, you asshole." Haha=P

11:18 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008
My First Post

Haha! I got blog liao!! But I never do myself de XD. Yanping n Mindy n Siying chose the song n template de...very nice. I love the way the rabbits dance to the song=)So cute! Thanks to them...i have a new blog!! WAHAHAHAHA...I was sleeping at home when they help me do. I never expect them to help me leh!! Thanks so much,gals!! Must also thank God that I have this blog. After all, He is the Creator of everything=D Well...I dun wanna make my first post look like compo,so i stop here..haha!

12:09 AM

Beloved daughter of God =)
Love is patient and kind, Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way, it is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
play around with the sheep on top :)